
The Reaper, The Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, King of All Gloom, Reaper of Flesh
Symbol: Skull and scythe
Home Plane: Carceri
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Death, darkness, murder, underworld
Worshipers: Necromancers, assassins, rogues, murderers
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE
Domains: Death, Evil, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Scythe

Dogma: Nerull is the patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain.
All are equal in Nerull's cold realm. Every living thing is an affront to the Reaper, and every death brings a dark spark of joy to his long-dead heart. Those that pray to Nerull to appease him only attract their attention and their own doom. Those that kill in his name shall be rewarded (or so Nerull promises).

Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Nerull are secretive and solitary, since few sane people tolerate their presence. Except in the most evil lands, Nerull has no organized churches. With no overall hierarchy, individual churches work against each other at times. Still, the Reaper is feared across the lands. His clerics wear rust-red garb when not in disguise. Nerull's clerics committ murders as offerings to their deity. If their actions are discovered, they move on to new hunting grounds. Some take up the wandering life and put on innocent faces as they move from town to town, murdering a few people and then moving on.
Temples to Nerull are always hidden, even in lands where the Reaper is honored. They usually are located underground, often as parts of catacomb complexes. Most temples are stocked with undead creatures and others that spread or celebrate death, such as hags, fiends, and vargouilles.

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